Gabriel Gaul: Qualifications | Services

Nine years permaculture experience.
Three years designing.
Two introductory and two full-on Permaculture Design Courses (Friends of the Trees/Michael Pilarski).
Four years on the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild (INPG) Board of Directors.
Affiliated with Northwest Build & Guild.
Three years homesteading, cultivating and logging.
Six years commercial, ethical wildcrafting.
Hunting mushrooms since six years old. Won Morel Mania contest (Illinois).
Radical Mycology Network Certification Course.
Two years teaching mushroom workshops privately and in conjunction w/ INPG.
Two years tincturing and making mushroom medicine.
Hi Gabriel! I met you and Selah in your garden at the Inland NW Permaculture convergence. I have finished my tour of the Northwest for the time being, and I’m settling in for the winter in Hawthorne California. Along the way I gave the bag of king stropharia spawn I was carrying to a friend. I wonder if you have any to sell. Remembering you had experienced a loss in the recent fires, I am also wondering whether you have a kickstarter campaign to get your business rolling again. If you have spawn to sell, or even if you don’t, I would like to send a contribution your way. Please let me know how to do this. Maybe if you’re not ready to propagate mycelium right now you can send me something when your setup has been rebuilt.
Give that gardening daughter a hug for me.
Hal Hurst